NTT Docomo Asia collaborate with Traxia to provide kindergarten bus service based on the feedback and requests obtained from joint experiments with kindergartens.
This service is concist of installation a vehicle GPS device to the kindergarten school bus and a dedicated smartphone application where the user (guardians, kindergarten staff and bus company staff) logs in to check the location of the bus in real time and also uses both Japanese and English
Docomo Mobile App
In addition, the service are offers a notification service to deliver information in a timely manner to the kindergartens and guardians of children who are riding the bus.
NTT Docomo Asia Plans to start operation on February 3rd, 2020 in Singapore for 40 buses as first step, then intends to expand it for other South East countries with joint-development with PT. Digitalinstincts Teknologi
For more information about Docomo Bus Service, please visit or send email to